Explore the path to a meaningful life guided by love.

Harold ZapataSpeaker-Director
Harold Zapata is a full-time husband, father and the featured online Bible teacher with AdventOn, the internet outreach ministry of Elemental Faith Ministries. Harold is an author, conference speaker and entrepreneur.
After graduating from a Reformed Adventist seminary in Darsberg, Germany in 1989, he pastored in the Reformed church for a couple of years. In 1991, he met Evangelist John Carter and soon joined John as his associate pastor/evangelist at the Community Adventist Fellowship Glendale, CA.
During his tenure in Glendale, Harold attended Fuller Theological Seminary, in Pasadena, CA. After very fruitful pastorates in Lubbock, TX, Albuquerque, NM, Lemoore, CA and Coral Springs, FL, Harold transitioned into Real Estate sales in Fresno, CA.
His love for Evangelism and an irrevocable calling has been manifest in his conducting, as a lay pastor, several successful Evangelistic Crusades, daily radio broadcasts, preaching in different churches, conferences and his social media ministries. Harold and his wife, Ingrid, live in Southern California. Harold has four children: Natalie, Jasmine, Seth, and XelHá. He enjoys playing chess, fly-rod fishing, fitness and writing screenplays (click here to read Harold’s newest spec script: David, The Warrior King).
In short, Harold loves Jesus, because He first loved him. He sees himself as a nobody, trying to tell everybody about Somebody that ca save anybody. He holds on tohis favorite Bible text: “For the gifts and calling from God are irrevocable.” Romans 11: 29. His favorite quote is from C.H. Spurgeon: “I thank God for every storm that has wrecked me upon The Rock, Christ Jesus!”.

AdventOn is the listener-supported media outreach ministry of Elemental Faith Ministries, an IRS Section 501(c)(3) organization, where Harold serves as its Speaker/Director.
We exist to Prepare the Way, Restore the Truth and Uplift Jesus’ Life.
We believe the Bible to be God’s inspired word, that God the Father sent God the Son to save us from our sins by paying our sin-debt in full on the Cross, and fill us with God the Holy Ghost to enable us to love Him back, and walk humbly before Him, perfecting Holiness in His sight. Above all, we believe that the resurrected Jesus is seated at the right hand of God as our High Priest, Substitute, Surety and enjoy security in our given Salvation, and that all the signs of the times indicate that He is about to return to this world just as He said He would, as our King!